Author: admin

Optimizing Accounts Payable Processes to Free up Cash

Optimizing AP processes is often not on many organizations’ list of priorities. As it is a back-office function, the importance of improving AP processes is often overlooked. In theory, if a business simply delays invoice payments to the last possible date, this will allow the business to have more cash on hand to maximize free cash flow

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Managing Operational Risk with Continuous Process Improvement

I view continuous process improvement and risk management as having a symbiotic relationship. Often there is potential to achieve process improvements while also enhancing operational and financial risk coverage. A mature risk environment provides greater trust in the operational and financial data used as a foundation for process improvements.

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Creating Efficiency Through Roles and Responsibilities Alignment

Aligning on roles and responsibilities is important especially in a complex matrix organization where there are lots of people working on a lot of different things, in different departments. As organizations grow, teams start to migrate into their own silos and what used to work in a small team sometimes doesn’t scale to a larger team.

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Embedding a culture of innovation and continuous improvement

Emerging technologies in various industries are not just the domain of a few smart people in organizations that are into technology, but, the average employee or the frontline person can be exposed to these emerging technologies, and they should have the opportunity to identify ideas of where this emerging technology can be applied.

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