Canadian Discount Retailer Saves $4.3M through an Organizational Alignment and Optimization Exercise

A Canadian discount store chain operating over 250 stores nationally

Recurring Annualized Cost Savings
Reduction in Manual Effort


Due to considerable growth over the last few years, our client was struggling to handle increased workload demands across the organization. Cross-functional processes were riddled with inconsistent practises leading to inefficiencies and continued requests for incremental headcount. None of the underlying issues were being addressed, ultimately impacting their ability to develop and meet strategic goals.


TPG was brought in to conduct an accelerated 6-week assessment and to identify performance improvement opportunities to foster growth. Our team defined and implemented 6 projects sequenced over a 7-month engagement that would support the growth objectives of the organization. The following projects were implemented: 

  • Roles & Responsibilities:
    • Re-aligning roles & responsibilities for critical job functions/processes to drive efficiencies, effectiveness and cross-functional collaboration.
    • Updating job descriptions and organizational charts to better align workflows, and accountabilities
  • Building Capacity within Junior Roles
    • Defining growth opportunities and transition plans to empower Junior positions and increase capabilities within the teams
    • Assessing current talent and recommendations to ensure the right people are in the right roles.
  • Direct Import Optimization:
    • Establishing best practices and properly sequencing import POs to reduce re-work and manual tasks.
    • Defining and aligning criteria for import decisions to empower effective decision-making.
  • Re-Development of Line Review Process:
    • Implementing changes leading to increases in the effectiveness and efficiency of the line review production process and actionable results.

Value Created

Value Created
As a result of this cross-functional assessment, our client realized significant financial benefits and the necessary changes to their infrastructure to meet their current and projected growth objectives.

  • $4.3M savings found to reinvest in organizational capacity improvements that would better support the growth objectives.
  • Implementation of the new line review process
  • Optimization of the soft goods and hard goods direct imports’ process

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