Fresh Produce Distributor Creates $2.7M in EBITDA through Warehouse Optimization

One of the largest fresh US produce distributors serving food service companies and retailers across the country.

EBITDA Created
Direct Cost Savings


Our client acquired a local distributor, tripling their capacity overnight. They fell behind in production, and were not meeting orders or delivery times, which also caused product quality issues. The local distributor moved from a small farmers market into a brand-new facility with over 140,000 sq ft in space and were not able to begin production due to underdeveloped warehouse management systems.


Beginning with a 3-day rapid assessment of the warehouse operations, our team worked with the client to gain a deep understanding of their systems and areas where scaling operations would be the most challenging. We were then tasked to pilot several opportunities and implement a warehouse management system that drastically improved operations and supported sustainable growth. The opportunities identified and later implemented were:

  • Improving operator performance by defining roles and responsibilities within warehouse management
  • Reducing pick times by creating a heat map of the fastest-moving items and designing items to minimize unnecessary movement
  • Increasing management accountability by creating processes for setting concrete goals and KPIs and facilitating leadership training for members of the executive team
  • Standardizing and simplifying processes by creating detailed SOPs and interactive checklists to guide process execution

Value Created

Our client realized immediate financial benefits including:

  • $2.7M in EBITDA through the implementation of warehouse optimization initiatives
  • $400K in direct savings identified by introducing a new warehouse management system
  • 45% improvement in second-shift productivity based on the implementation of all initiatives

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