Holiday Goodwill:


Some years ago, I heard a speaker at a conference who was the founder of a charitable organization that I had not heard of called CharityWater. What impressed me, was that the founder, Scott Harrison, had made a bold choice from the beginning to keep a separate bank account for overhead expenses (staffing, office rent, travel expenses, etc) which are fully funded by select donors and sponsors/brands.

This meant that 100% of public donations could go directly to fund the cause that was and is improving the lives and health of millions of people.

Now he had my attention!

We live in a country that boasts the 4th largest supply of fresh water in the world, and while some may appreciate this precious resource, many take it for granted.

Imagine, as a women, giving up the right to education or jobs because your job and often your childrens’ jobs required you to walk for hours each day to get water for the family, then physically having to carry it back.

Now, imagine further, that this same resource was taken from bodies of water shared by people and animals for washing – filthy, contaminated with diseases and bugs. Even more, if this was all you had to drink causing you and your family to fall ill or die!

For us, this is unthinkable, but it continues to be the plight facing over 600 million people in undeveloped countries around the world.

In 10 short years, since this charity was founded, CharityWater has brought clean water to 8.4 million people through 29,725 water projects! CharityWater also provides GPS co-ordinates and trackers on all drilling rigs so people can follow them and experience how their dollars are making a difference.

I encourage you to take 20 minutes to watch this inspirational, emotional and inspiring video from the young founder Scott Harrison.

Not only does he have a fascinating story to tell of his difficult childhood, troubled formative years and successful career as a night club promoter in New York, it also explains how this life eventually forced him to realize that he was socially and morally bankrupt.  Through personal experiences abroad, he came to realize quite by accident, that nothing was being done to give millions of people access to clean water – a basic human need.

TPG has encouraged our team to think of those less fortunate through their charitable exercise supporting each of us to make a difference. Personally, this action has inspired me to continue donating on a monthly basis because of my renewed exposure to this vital cause.

Next time you turn on the tap, think about and even if you choose not to donate, I challenge you to share this blog, so that others may.