Industrial Asset Auctioneer Unlocks $1.2M in Annualized Cost Savings from Call Center Optimization

An industry leader in industrial asset disposition & management, this former client provides auctioning services to clients across North America.

recurring annualized cost savings identified
reduction in average call wait times (9 mins to <1 mins)


After an acquisition, demand for customer service increased through a surge in call volume, further inhibiting their call center operations experiencing high wait times, call durations, and call volumes. Additionally, the impact of COVID-19 forced customers to connect virtually, leading to a ‘new normal’ level of call volume and challenges with connection on the team.


Through an extensive 8-week initiation study, TPG was able to narrow our focus on three areas:

  1. Aligning our customer care team to feel empowered to support customers
  2. Creating effortless support experiences where customers can self-serve, and
  3. Building company-wide solutions and internal processes

We built a roadmap of 25 initiatives across 9 workstreams to be executed over an 11-month period, which tackled 77% of the pain points uncovered through our initiation study. Four key workstreams implemented are outlined as follows:

  • Organizational Design – Aligning and defining roles & responsibilities to handle calls by dedicated agent groups to promote accountability
  • Technology Improvements – Integration of tech improvements to call center functions such as virtual queueing, approval workflows, and screen-pop ups with accompanying change management efforts
  • Support Intake & Optimization – Introduction of new avenues for customers to self-serve or better get in touch, ex: Online Chat, Chatbot, upload features
  • Agent Empowerment – through providing learning tools, system enhancements, and dedicated support, this organization now champions customer service by including it as one of the 5 pillars of their culture

Value Created

As result of this engagement, this client enjoyed both immediate and long-term financial and strategic benefits:

  • Identified over $1.2M in recurring cost savings
  • Reduced call wait time by 88% (from 9 minutes to less than 1 minute)
    • Stabilized peak times during quarter-end run and year-end
    • Enhanced customer experience by implementing the Call Back Feature (Virtual Queue) which allows customers the option not to wait on the line, and an available agent will call back
  • Reduced Average Handled Time (AHT) by 28%by empowering agents with tools and resources to conduct calls quicker, implementing a learning portal, and automating tasks to perform during the call to allow agents to focus on customer inquiries
  • Reduced case volume by 32% despite increased sales
    • Implemented self-serve options for the customer, such as Online Chat, so that they didn’t need to call to speak to an agent 
    • Integrated Voice Recognition capabilities into the IVR, allowing the bot to respond to questions before transferring to a live agent

Call wait times before and during the project horizon. The orange line includes call back option wait times after integration.

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