This provincial long term care system serves hundreds of residents at five pilot sites
The province had initiated a pilot project for Long-Term Care homes to improve the quality-of-life for residents in several LTC homes. Dale Schattenkirk and his team were engaged to guide their leadership teams to identify innovative ways to implement change by building internal, sustainable, change agents. This program included leadership training and consultation, as well as a training and mentorship program to create Yellow Belt level personnel who would manage quality improvement projects across the pilot sites.
We ran an initial rapid improvement project at one of the five identified pilot sites. It was designed to improve the dietary process to reduce resident wait times. The existing meal process from preparation to serving had resulted in continually late meals, and daily frustration for both staff and residents. To address this, our team supported the client by applying DMAIC methodology:
Through this project, our client learned how to conduct Lean/Six Sigma improvement projects on their own, and also realized the following benefits from this one example: