Linda Neufeld



  • Global Sourcing & Procurement
  • E2E Supply Chain
  • Customer & Supplier Management
  • Leadership and Training
  • Enterprise Requirements Planning (ERP)
  • Supply Chain Management Systems


A strategically centered visionary with a comprehensive understanding of end-to-end supply chain focused on minimizing gaps and boosting bottom-line savings. Continuous improvement champion who tenaciously identifies opportunities to attain true continuous improvement culture that reduces organizational inefficiencies and increases productivity. Collaborative leader who forges strong relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers and consistently meets commitments with integrity.

A leader who thrives on building talent within organizations by coaching, motivating, and inspiring teams to pursue and achieve their full potential.


  • Bachelor of Commerce University of Windsor
  • Senior Management Program (International Institute for Management Development (IMD) Lausanne, Switzerland


Linda enjoys spending time at the gym, gathering with family and friends, travelling, and exploring new restaurants. In the summer she can be found honing her skills on the golf course which is a challenge to her continuous improvement mindset! After many years and countless arenas as a hockey mom, Linda has taken up her own ice sport at the curling rink.